
On the ‘Offices’ page you will see 2 options:


The ‘Offices’ tab will list all offices within your organisation. You can search for an office by ‘Name’ but no other action can be carried out on this page as it is for information only.


The ‘Groups’ tab will show the office groups you have created. Offices that are added to a group, will be only see data within that group.

For example, if you were to create an office group ‘Test Group’ and added office ‘Office 1’ to that group. Office 1 would only see data for ‘Office 1’. If you were to add ‘Office 2’ to that group, ‘Office 1’ & ‘Office 2’ could see each other’s data. Data is visible to all offices within a group.

To create an Office group:

Click on ‘Create Group’ from the left-hand navigation:

You will be required to enter a ‘Name’ for the group. The name you enter will be visible to external developers.

Using the ‘Offices' field, simply start typing the name of the office you wish to add to the group. You can select as many offices as you required but will need to select a minimum of one to create the group.

Once you have selected the offices, click ‘Submit’.

The group will then be created and you will see a successful notification to confirm this.

Note: An office cannot be a part of multiple groups.

Editing an Office Group

If you wish to add or remove an office from a group you have created, simply click on drop-down error on the right of the row.

You can then use the ‘Offices' field to add additional offices, or select an existing office to remove.

When you are happy with the changes to the group, click 'Submit'.

Last updated