AppMarket Visibility and Installation Management

Marketplace Visibility

To control which apps are visible in the AppMarket and which apps should be installed for your organisation or specific office groups, click on ‘AppMarket’ from the left-hand navigation.

You will see a list of apps that are currently live in the AppMarket. On each app listing, it will show you if an app is currently visible and if it has been installed either for your whole organisation or for specific user groups

For example, GEO Diary below, shows that is has been installed for the whole organisation and is currently visible in the AppMarket:

To make changes to the visibility or to install/uninstall an app, simple click on the app for more options.

App Management

When you have selected an app from the ‘AppMarket Visibility and Installation Management’ page, you will be presented with the following information:

App Name

The name of the App

Option to 'View Marketplace Listing'

Clicking on 'View Marketplace Listing' will open the app as it would be viewed from within the Marketplace. It’s important to review the listing before actioning any installations as the full listing will provide more information such as the Developers:

  • Terms and Conditions

  • Setup Process

  • Pricing Information

  • Privacy Policy

  • Information about the Developer

  • Additional Information about the App

Desktop Integration Types If an app is using ‘Desktop Integration’ it will be listed on this page. Some Desktop Integration types can replace certain screens within Agency Cloud, therefore it’s important to read and confirm you are happy with the types that have been listed before installing.

Pricing Information If the developer has indicated a cost is associated to using this app, we will provide the information here. The same applies if the app has been listed as ‘Free’. This will clearly stated in this section.

Data Permissions

On each app listing, you will see very clearly the data the app wants to access. If you choose to install this app/integration, you will be granting the app access to the permissions as listed in this section. If you do not agree with the data permissions, you should contact the developer of the app before installing.

Application Visibility

This section allows you, the 'Organisation Admin’ to control which apps are visible in the Marketplace. Using the check box ‘Visibility’ option to determine if an app should be visible or not. If ticked, the app will be visible to all users inside of your organisation. If unticked, the app will be hidden from the AppMarket.

Installation Management

Current Installations:

If this is the first time you are accessing the app or have recently had the Marketplace enabled, you will see the following on the 'Current Installations' section:

Using the 'Installations' section, you can then select if you wish to install the app for the whole of your organisation or for specific offices groups.

If an app has already been installed, the ‘Current Installations’ section will show you if the app is currently installed for either the whole of your organisation or selected groups.

For example, the app below has been installed for the whole organisation, this is clearly stated in the 'Current Installations' section:

You then have the option to 'Uninstall' for all users and offices, or using the table below, you can select specific office groups to install or uninstall for.


You will be presented initially with 2 options:

Install for the whole of your organisation By selecting this option, you are granting the app access to all data across your organisation. No data boundaries will apply. This means that a developer will have access to all data for all offices.


Install for specific office groups By selecting this option you can chose which groups you want to install the app for. The data available to a developer will be specifically contained within each group. For more information on office groups, please click here.

If you select installation for specific office groups, you will be presented with all of your available offices groups that have been created. You can then select the groups you want to install the app for.


You have the option to uninstall an app for the whole of your organisation or for specific user groups.

From the ‘Current Installations’ section you can click on ‘Uninstall’. It will then uninstall the app for either your organisation or for any user groups it has been installed for.

To uninstall for a specific user group, simply select the group to remove and click 'Save':

Whichever method you chose for uninstalling an app, you will be asked to confirm before proceeding.

Last updated